Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Half Life 2 Episode 3 – Expecting Borealis?

OHHH my god – that is borealis, is that true? Some says that ship got sent somewhere, but where? To “ZEN” – the alien planet? Or maybe it just disappeared out of the time loop? Anything can happen when you are travelling by portal as we know Gordon did face a slow portal in half life 2 during his journey from “Nova Prospekt” to “City 17”, which took seven days.

The Half Life 2 Episode 3 will clear the cloud from the face of these questions. At least we can hope so, because Eli wishes Gordon, to doom something inside that ship, to avoid the repetition the event at Black Mesa. It will be more exciting to pay a visit to the Borealis because combine have already detected the location and they will obviously put some extra force to hunt Gordon, we can also expect “Advisors”.

It is expected that Episode 3 will be placed in Cold n Ice. It is quite in doubt , whether Zombies, head-crabs or Ant-lions will survive there or not, that is why we can expect new resistance and enemies. May be “ice-crabs”, ha ha ha……Joking.

Doug Lombardi Vice Precedence of Marketing at Valve is highly ambitious about the project, in his words, this will be a full Episode and the price will be balanced. We were expecting the game within this year but somehow the date has been postponed, in the 1st quarter of 2010, we can expect the game on our desktop.

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