Sunday, December 13, 2009

Phys X

Games are becoming more realistic these days. Each and every game developing companies are trying to research for betterment of the gaming technology including the graphic quality. The new addition is NVIDIA’s physics X or commonly known as Phys-X.

Now there is lots of information about Phys X, I am not giving you any information about the phys X technology but here I want to divulge to make it clear, lots of people think that this is a technology that improves the physics quality of the gaming character and it is included with game, that means game developers are programming this one with other gaming processes, and the card has the technology to show it. This Idea is completely wrong.

There’s nothing in the game. Everything is inside the card. Card manufacturers are including this technology inside the card so that there will be no need for game developers to develop the phys X. they are just including all supported files and card, itself making them visible to us. This is to minimized the work of game developers not o increase.

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